Saturday, June 20, 2009


Along the walk of faith there will be many tests to strengthen our purpose to follow the Lord. We will be tempted to follow our friends into worldly pursuits or pleasures. There will be obstacles to overcome.

Having parents that do not know the Lord is very difficult. But perseverance in our purpose to live for God will affect them and may eventually bring them to faith. We must keep our eyes on the Lord and seek to please Him above all even though our parents may disagree.

They may want us to become successful or popular socially or professionally. But if God has called us to another path, we will not have His blessing if we only live to please others. This is a challenge to young people who feel called to get training in a Christian college instead of a big university. It is best to go to a Christian college until our faith is firmly established, and later God may lead us to a state university.

Are you called into Christian service overseas or into the ministry at home? Be firm in your purpose. I felt a strong call to serve in China, but that country closed to the Gospel before I could get there. So I joined a mission to teach Navajos in Colorado.

Then health problems arose and I wondered how I could do anything for God. I remember the first lines of a poem I wrote at that time.
“What is it, Lord, and why? What shall I do, and where?
Is there not one thing I can do but just a cross to bear?”

I was confused and uncertain what to do but stayed in my place of service. A year later my health improved and the door opened to serve overseas after all. So I was very grateful when I was in Laos. It was truly a miracle that I could be there, trekking into the jungle to isolated villages and teaching in the Bible school.

Six years later when health problems came again and I had to return home, I was disappointed. and frustrated. I got a regular job but continued to serve in my church and watch for other opportunities. My heart was still in Laos with the people I loved.

Eventually God opened a door to serve the Laotian church by beginning a prayer ministry. Contacts in Asia told me about the persecution that was going on in Laos, and gradually I made contact with numerous people by email and shared the prayer needs. I have now been writing this prayer guide for 23 years and have heard that the churches in Laos are growing.

Along the way God helped me to write a book about the transformed life of a tribal man I knew in southern Laos. The Overseas Missionary Fellowship published this and it has blessed many lives. If you write to me, I could loan you a copy of the book.

Whatever God is calling you to do, persevere in your preparation. Trust God to open doors before you. Do your best to serve Him and be content with the work He gives you. This will give you fullness of joy and a deep inner satisfaction.

Don’t be discouraged by the obstacles you face today. Trust God and let Him fulfill the purpose He has for your life.

– Rosyfoot