Saturday, June 20, 2009


Along the walk of faith there will be many tests to strengthen our purpose to follow the Lord. We will be tempted to follow our friends into worldly pursuits or pleasures. There will be obstacles to overcome.

Having parents that do not know the Lord is very difficult. But perseverance in our purpose to live for God will affect them and may eventually bring them to faith. We must keep our eyes on the Lord and seek to please Him above all even though our parents may disagree.

They may want us to become successful or popular socially or professionally. But if God has called us to another path, we will not have His blessing if we only live to please others. This is a challenge to young people who feel called to get training in a Christian college instead of a big university. It is best to go to a Christian college until our faith is firmly established, and later God may lead us to a state university.

Are you called into Christian service overseas or into the ministry at home? Be firm in your purpose. I felt a strong call to serve in China, but that country closed to the Gospel before I could get there. So I joined a mission to teach Navajos in Colorado.

Then health problems arose and I wondered how I could do anything for God. I remember the first lines of a poem I wrote at that time.
“What is it, Lord, and why? What shall I do, and where?
Is there not one thing I can do but just a cross to bear?”

I was confused and uncertain what to do but stayed in my place of service. A year later my health improved and the door opened to serve overseas after all. So I was very grateful when I was in Laos. It was truly a miracle that I could be there, trekking into the jungle to isolated villages and teaching in the Bible school.

Six years later when health problems came again and I had to return home, I was disappointed. and frustrated. I got a regular job but continued to serve in my church and watch for other opportunities. My heart was still in Laos with the people I loved.

Eventually God opened a door to serve the Laotian church by beginning a prayer ministry. Contacts in Asia told me about the persecution that was going on in Laos, and gradually I made contact with numerous people by email and shared the prayer needs. I have now been writing this prayer guide for 23 years and have heard that the churches in Laos are growing.

Along the way God helped me to write a book about the transformed life of a tribal man I knew in southern Laos. The Overseas Missionary Fellowship published this and it has blessed many lives. If you write to me, I could loan you a copy of the book.

Whatever God is calling you to do, persevere in your preparation. Trust God to open doors before you. Do your best to serve Him and be content with the work He gives you. This will give you fullness of joy and a deep inner satisfaction.

Don’t be discouraged by the obstacles you face today. Trust God and let Him fulfill the purpose He has for your life.

– Rosyfoot

Monday, May 18, 2009



Are you sure you will go to heaven when you die? If you have any questions about knowing God, write me using the comment link below. My email address is

Perhaps you have been a believer for a few years. Have you seen a change in your attitude toward others? Do you feel God’s love and strength in a new way? Perhaps you would like to share your testimony with other young people.

If you have something to share, write me an email or a comment using the link at the end of this article. If it is suitable, I will put it on the next blog for others to read. You could help many in this way.

Maybe you have questions about how to live the Christian life. Have you experienced a lot of pressure from your friends? Please write and share your comments.

What is the hardest problem that young people face today? Let me know what you think.

Maybe you are out of your teens by now, but you remember well the struggles you had. Is there a Bible verse that has encouraged you in times of trial? Share it with other people through this blog.

I am looking for your comments.


Saturday, May 9, 2009



Do you ever wonder what is the purpose of life, what should you do with your life, how can you know what is right to do? Most of us don’t realize the darkness we have been living in.

The light began to come on after I received Jesus. I had a glimmer in my heart that God would show me what to do if I listened carefully. I didn’t listen for a “voice or a vision in the night.” I began reading my Bible every day. It was surprising what I found!

God has been listening to people’s prayers since the dawn of history. It is recorded in the Old Testament. Abraham and Moses, David and many others cried to God for strength and guidance. Their prayers are recorded for us, and the answers are clear.

The problem with our culture is that people don’t open their Bibles to see what God says. This book is not obsolete, though it was written centuries ago. It is up-to-date with mankind’s need. It is a living book, sharp as a sword and powerful to reach our emotions and illuminate our minds.

Sitting on a fallen log at Tahquitz Pines in the mountains of southern California, I discovered marvelous things written just to me. All the campers had their Quiet Time before breakfast, scattered across the forest, each sitting in a private place to communicate with God.

This was an experience I will never forget. I had been a believer for about a year, but I had not read my Bible regularly. Someone at church had generously made it possible for me to go to summer Bible camp. It changed my life.

I made a resolution at the campfire meeting that night, throwing a piece of wood into the fire. “I want to have a Quiet Time with God every day from now on,” I said to all the campers. “I know God will guide my life if I really listen to Him and go His way.”

That has been the secret to joy in my life. Every day I have something to look forward to, some new and precious promise in God’s Word. In the evenings I have the satisfaction that I tried to follow God the best that I could. And whenever I stumbled and confessed it to the Lord, I knew He forgave me as promised in I John 1:9. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Live in the Light! Don’t live in darkness.

– rosyfoot

Saturday, May 2, 2009


It was a hard lesson to learn when I was young, but being different is okay. I really was different after I came to know Jesus. It didn’t hurt like I thought it would, because I was doing it for God. He gave me strength, and I had a purpose. It was my choice to become more like Jesus and less like the world around me.

Why would I want to be like other teens who are driven by the latest fashions? They not only copy the attire of the popular kids but also their sullen attitude. Most of them don’t even look happy.

I am with the "in crowd." That is, those who are part of God’s family, those who have a certain future with Him. There are plenty of us believers, if you only look around.

These are the kids who really do their homework and earn As in school most of the time. They do their best and have the satisfaction that they can move forward into the future with confidence.

Maybe some bully will reject them, but God has accepted them. And the youth group at church will accept you once they truly get to know you.

Your motives will mark you out. Why are you smiling at people and being friendly? Because you are happy inside. You are accepted by God and are being transformed into a better person day by day.

You aren’t trying to impress people or deceive them. You are sincere, honest, optimistic, caring. You know your future might be difficult but it is realistic. God is on your side, and He explains things to you.

It’s all in His guidebook, the Bible. As you read it each day you begin to understand yourself better. You understand other people, too. You see that other kids feel insecure and are just pretending to be brave because they want to be accepted by the crowd.

You don’t have to pretend anything, because you are content to be the person God made you.

You are different because you are a new person and you make your own choices.
It is important to be the person God made you. It is okay to be different.

– Rosyfoot

Friday, May 1, 2009


Choices make life interesting. We are faced with many choices each day. What will I wear today and where will I go?

We know what we want to do. As believers in Jesus, we can know what God wants us to do. However, it is still our responsibility to choose which path we will take. God does not make our choices for us. We have a free will and we can make unwise choices if we desire.

The exciting thing about being a born again believer is that God will help us make right choices. By His Holy Spirit and through reading the Bible, God will tell us what is the best way to go.
Then He leaves it up to us to choose what we really want.

Whenever we make an unwise choice, we end up with feelings of regret and sorrow. We realize that we hurt ourselves by going off the track. But God is always ready to forgive and cleanse us from our sin. (See I John 1:9) He will give us another chance to go in the right direction.

This is the wonderful freedom that Christians enjoy. They can ask God for wisdom to find the right path, and He will give them the courage to take it. When they stumble, He will forgive and help them to do better, although we can presume too long on His patience to the point He will not give us another chance.

The result of right choices is inward peace, stronger convictions, and deep joy. It is a wonderful feeling to know you are in agreement with the Creator of the universe. He is on your side and will even arrange circumstances to make it clear what you should do. Wise choices make our lives productive and enjoyable.

If you have chosen to follow Jesus, God never holds a grudge against you for failure. He is a loving Father who gently guides you in your choices.

– rosyfoot

Saturday, April 25, 2009



I thought it would be wonderful to be a different person. I didn’t like myself very well. People said I was too quiet. I didn’t know how to make friends with kids at school. Sometimes people teased me, but I didn’t understand why.

I was very ordinary looking, a bit skinny. I had naturally curly hair. I could run fast on the playground, although I didn’t like softball. I smiled at people as much as I could, but often I didn’t see much to smile about. There was something odd about my parents, but I knew they loved me. I had fun playing with my sisters and a few playmates in our neighborhood. But I got tired easily and I often felt sad.

Maybe I just needed a better sense of humor, the ability to laugh things off. I knew I shouldn’t worry about little things. A person my age shouldn’t fret and feel stressed all the time. What was wrong with me? Oh, I wanted to be different.

What I really wanted was to be a new person, completely new, confident and relaxed about life. But how did people suddenly change the way they were? It was a mystery to me. I felt different from the kids at school. I wanted to change and be a better person, but I didn’t know how.

I had heard about Jesus, but He didn’t seem real to me. Then one day it all finally made sense. I understood that Jesus was a real person who had lived on this earth and he was the Son of God. He loved ME and He died to pay for my sins. And now he was risen, living in heavn but available to help me through life! In gratitude I accepted Jesus as my own personal Savior and Lord that day.

Things were different after that. My outside was the same, but it didn’t matter any more. I felt different inside. I had new desires and also the power to act different.

But I didn’t have to act or pretend to be someone new. I really was different inside. I was a new person because I had been born into the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

If you want to be a new person, put your faith in Jesus today.
